GVPT 403 7380


In the short interview of Henry Kissinger by Mike Wallace, foreign policy is presented in absolute terms. (To see this video, go to the link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9BG7ZX6RHg) Back in 1958, the question was whether the US should adopt a "policy of war" or a "policy of peace." The black-and-white representation of foreign policy reflects the Cold War attitudes of the time. When the Cold War ended in 1989-91 with the breakup of Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the USSR, the 1990s at the presented an opportunity to adopt a "policy of peace" - but that did not last long. The attacks of September 11, 2011 once again put the US foreign policy on a footing of war.

Here's the question ...

In 2017, with the new presidential administration, should the focus for foreign policy in Syria be "a policy of war" or "a policy of peace" or "a policy of something else entirely"?

If you choose the "something else," please define it and bring in the readings from Week 4 to support your ideas. ( I want everyone to bring in at least two required readings for the week to support the answer. The more you can incorporate from the readings, the more we have to discuss!)

Your discussion post should be about 350 words

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