Conflicts Are Important

HCA 230  Week 6 Conflicts Worksheet – Conflicts Are Important

80 points Objectives  6.1   6.2   6.3


·         Complete all three parts.  Use complete sentences.

·         Include in text citations as needed and provide a reference list  with citations at the end of the worksheet.  Use APA format.


PLEASE use double spacing for your answers.


Part 1: The Five Conflict Types


Describe each of the five conflict types. Each answer should be at least 75 words and have at least two sentences for each description.


1.    Pseudo conflicts:



2.    Fact conflicts:



3.    Ego conflicts:



4.    Value conflicts:



5.    Need conflicts:




Part 2: The Five Conflict Management Styles


Describe each of the five conflict management styles and explain the strengths and weaknesses of each. Each answer should be at least 75 words and have at least two sentences for each description.


1.    Avoiders:



2.    Accommodators:



3.    Forcers:





4.    Compromisers:




5.    Collaborators:





Part 3: Collaborative Communication


List two methods of collaborative communication and describe how using them can help you avoid conflicts.


Use complete sentences. Your answer should be at least 250 words.
















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